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This specialty deals with the various acts and legal relationships that arise within businesses and companies. It also focuses on solving problems of a registry nature that have patrimonial implications.

Certain matters of registry law can be dealt with through administrative channels as long as they have not been previously exhausted. For example, reconsiderations, appeals, among others. However, if the need to resolve a conflict between the parties persists, these matters will have to be resolved before the Judiciary. It will also be necessary to initiate a constitutional process of amparo for the constitutional defense of the user’s rights, if necessary.

Taking into account the above, our registry law area provides solid advice and sponsorship in all instances, whether at the administrative, judicial or constitutional level. As part of our service, we highlight the personalized attention we give to our clients according to the particularities of each case, so that we can offer them the best response and timely legal defense in the following situations:

  • Registration, modification, transfers and extinction of rights over real estate in public registries.
  • Acts concerning real rights, patrimonial rights affecting real estate and some personal rights and those of legal entities such as: Associations, foundations, committees, cooperatives.
  • In the corporate field, there are the following: Corporations (open and closed), Limited Liability Commercial Companies, Civil Companies.
  • Reconsideration and registry appeals.
  • Registry diagnosis.
  • Other cases of registry law.