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Law and Gender

In recent times, we have witnessed with greater intensity that in our society there are still relationships based on inequality and discrimination. These asymmetrical and even unfair relationships have mainly harmed certain vulnerable sectors of the population. One of these sectors is made up of women, regardless of their origin, language, economic situation, age, etc.

Currently, women in our country are being affected by a context of structural and gender-based violence. This violence takes place throughout their life cycle, that is, when they are children, adolescents, young women, adults or older women. In addition, we note that violence also affects other groups in society, such as the LGBTI population (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people), whose members have been systematically discriminated against because of their gender identity and sexual orientation.

In view of the above, we consider it necessary to address these issues and their legal implications from a gender perspective. Therefore, this new practice area of the firm is in charge of providing advisory and consulting services in those issues that require a comprehensive analysis where law and gender approach converge.

  • Gender-based violence against women, within the framework of Law 30364 (Law to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women and members of the family group).
  • Disappearance (by private individuals) of women
  • Gender stereotypes in the administration of justice.
  • Harassment and sexual harassment in the university environment.